🕹️ Welcome Gamers! 🎮

Welcome to the new website for the Never Ending Backlog! This (and the YouTube Channel) will be its new home moving forward for the foreseeable future.

We have over computer 100 games knocked off the backlog, and we’ve reviewed them through podcasts, streams, video reviews, and numerous other mediums; however, I feel the most appropriate one is YouTube, so that’s why I’m spinning it back up.

I don’t think it’s going to be as ambitious as a new review every single day; however, my goal will be to complete one review per week. This way, I can spend more time researching the developers, learning the history of the game/development, and just increasing the overall effort put into editing the videos. Similar to what Disney and other companies are pivoting to, Quality over Quantity.

So, stay tuned, my new process will be:

  1. Play and record a game on my backlog.
  2. Add my voiceover.
  3. Provide some additional information about the game.
  4. Review it.
  5. Upload it to YouTube.
  6. Add it to this homepage, down there ⬇️
  7. Move the previous video to the Archive, found here.
  8. Rinse and repeat.
  9. Promote on social media that a new video is live, that way you don’t have to keep visiting this site.

That’s it. No flashy new tools, no live streaming, nothing fancy. This is going back to the basics of being a channel dedicated to reviewing games that sit un-played in my Steam library that need, nay, deserve the attention they are owed.